![]() Thanks to the work of our members and our state and national union, major changes to the Public Service Loan Forgiveness program were recently announced. We are celebrating the incredible news that one of the loan forgiveness programs our members depend on but that is exceptionally hard to qualify for has just gotten easier to access thanks to decisive action by the Biden Administration and thanks to tireless advocacy from our members and our national affiliates. Public Service Loan Forgiveness is getting some incredibly necessary changes that will be in place for the next year. The Department of Education announced that they are providing a temporary waiver to some of the requirements that have been most difficult for borrowers to meet, frequently because of the inaction or misconduct of loan servicers, who you will recall now have to meet much higher standards in Minnesota after we passed our Student Borrowers Bill of Rights this June. A great article on this from NPR helps to explain what was announced: https://www.npr.org/2021/10/06/1043332307/public-service-loan-forgiveness-education-department-overhaul In order to ensure that our members have the most current information and support in accessing this opportunity, Education Minnesota will hold a webinar at our upcoming MEA conference Thursday, Oct. 21 covering this news and how folks can access this expanded PSLF opportunity: NEW offering! Expanded Loan Forgiveness for Educators: Unpacking New Public Service Loan Forgiveness rules The Public Service Loan Forgiveness (PSLF) program has always sounded simple: work in the public sector, pay your loans for 10 years, get the rest forgiven tax free. But every borrower who has interacted with the program knows that it’s anything but simple. The Department of Education has recently announced sweeping changes to the program that will make it easier to qualify and easier to achieve forgiveness. This live Zoom session will cover what we know about the new rules, offer specific guidance on how to access the loan forgiveness, and update participants on the overall student loan landscape. 1 p.m., Thursday, Oct. 21 REGISTER HERE As ever, please continue to ask your very good questions via dnd@edmn.org. Your union membership made this possible; our national partners at the American Federation of Teachers and the National Education Association have relentlessly pushed the Department of Education to make good on their commitments to public educators and our public sector union family. Thank you for making many new opportunities possible for current and future educators! Education Minnesota, 41 Sherburne Ave., St. Paul, MN 55103 | 651-227-9541 | 800-652-9073 Education Minnesota is an affiliate of the American Federation of Teachers, National Education Association and AFL-CIO.www.educationminnesota.org | Update email | Privacy policy | Contact us | Unsubscribe |