This is a reminder of upcoming grants opportunities available through Education Minnesota (also listed in your Oct/Nov MN Educator magazine):
Classroom Focused Grants – up to $3,000 for for innovative project design and implementation
PD Grants for Teachers – up to $1500 for teachers to either facilitate, develop or attend PD sessions.
IMPACT Grants – up to $15,000 for projects that team up with a local non-profit
Ed MN Early Teacher Seminar – unique PD targeted for teachers in the profession five years or less. 3 grad credits and 10 CEU’s upon completion.
Reminder: U of M survey on school conditions
If you haven’t yet done so, please take the opportunity to share how the current school year is going and what additional supports are needed by taking this third and final round of the MN Safe Learning Survey. If you are both an educator and a parent feel free to take the survey twice to reflect your opinion in both roles.
The survey closes Wednesday, Nov. 24.